How to Paraphrase a Literature Review (RRL)

Nov 10, 2023


Welcome to, your ultimate resource for mastering the art of paraphrasing a literature review! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best strategies and techniques to paraphrase a literature review effectively, ensuring the originality and quality of your research.

Understanding the Importance of Paraphrasing

In the world of academia, literature reviews play a crucial role in establishing the foundation of any research paper or thesis. They provide a comprehensive analysis of existing knowledge in a particular field, and often require the incorporation of various sources and references.

Paraphrasing is the process of expressing the ideas and information from these sources in your own words. It allows you to integrate the findings of others while maintaining the originality of your work, which is essential for academic integrity.

Preparing to Paraphrase

Before diving into the actual process of paraphrasing, it's crucial to adequately prepare and familiarize yourself with the literature review. Here are a few steps to get you started:

Step 1: Read and Understand

Thoroughly read and comprehend the literature review you intend to paraphrase. Highlight key points, arguments, and supporting evidence that you find relevant to your own research.

Step 2: Identify the Core Message

Identify the main message or argument of the literature review. Understanding the core message will help you effectively convey the information in your paraphrased version.

Step 3: Organize your Thoughts

Outline the structure of your paraphrased literature review before you begin writing. This will enable you to present the information in a logical and coherent manner.

The Paraphrasing Process

Now that you are adequately prepared, let's dive into the actual process of paraphrasing a literature review!

1. Read Each Sentence Several Times

Read each sentence of the original literature review multiple times to understand its meaning and context completely. Ensure that you grasp the author's intention behind each statement.

2. Put the Original Text Aside

Once you understand the original sentence, put the text aside. Avoid looking at it directly while writing your paraphrased version to prevent unintentional plagiarism.

3. Express the Message in Your Own Words

Rephrase the sentence using your own words and writing style. Ensure that you capture the core message and convey it in a unique and engaging manner.

4. Check for Similarities

After paraphrasing, compare your sentence with the original one to ensure that they are not too similar. Use online plagiarism checkers to verify the originality of your work.

5. Add Attribution

It is important to provide proper attribution to the original source, even when paraphrasing. Include an in-text citation or a reference to acknowledge the author's work.

Effective Tips for Paraphrasing

Here are some additional tips to enhance your paraphrasing skills and produce high-quality literature reviews:

1. Use Synonyms and Word Variations

Explore different synonyms and word variations to replace common terms in the original text. This will help you create original and unique content.

2. Focus on Sentence Structure

Pay attention to the sentence structure and try to vary it in your paraphrased version. This will further enhance the originality and readability of your literature review.

3. Maintain the Context

While paraphrasing, ensure that you maintain the overall context of the original literature review. Aim to present a coherent and consistent understanding of the subject matter.

4. Seek Feedback

Ask for feedback from your peers or mentors to gauge the effectiveness of your paraphrased content. Constructive criticism can improve the quality of your work significantly.


Paraphrasing a literature review is a valuable skill to master, allowing you to incorporate existing knowledge into your research while maintaining academic integrity. By following the steps and tips provided in this guide, you will be well-equipped to create original and engaging literature reviews that contribute to the advancement of your field.

how to paraphrase a rrl